How to Stay Healthy and Fit Traveling on the Job Traveling for work has its perks- new people, new experiences, new cultures, or fine dining (shoutout to that per diem) etc. Working on the road could feel like constant mini vacations to some, say our principal Steven Trotter. He travels so much visiting our clients, the airlines should pay him to be a flight attendant. As a group fitness instructor, I’m sure he could choreograph a killer safety demonstration dance. This business development lifestyle can take a toll on your body if you aren’t careful. Constantly being in new environments or confined to small spaces with a lot of people (planes, trains, subways) can affect your immune system negatively and deter your healthy goal progress. Today we have tips on how to stay healthy on the road. Fitness The positives of never being in the same location is that you could take advantage of free gym passes. Plan ahead and research what is nearby- try a Planet Fitness, Anytime Fitness, or Life Time Fitness all in the same week. If the weather is nice and you enjoy being outdoors, plan a hike or explore local parks. When staying in a hotel, check out their fitness center and if it does not have what you need there are thousands of workouts on YouTube for free! Some of our favorites are Blogilates, HASfit, and The Fitness Marshall. Regardless of what you decide, prioritize exercise to help you stay on track and if needed, plan it into your schedule. Food Always have healthy snacks on hand. Non-perishable items include trail mix, dried fruit, nut butters, or protein bars. Traveling increases your chances of dehydration, be sure to drink plenty of water so your body can function optimally. If you are living out of hotels consider traveling with a Crockpot or George Foreman Grill- just don’t set off the smoke alarm or else you may have some angry neighbors. When eating out, ask the server to pack up half of your entree in a to-go container. That way you save half the calories and get another meal for later. Sleep While traveling this is the time to focus on you, try to go to bed near the same time every night and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. The best part is if you are at a hotel, crank up the AC guilt-free because you are not paying for the electricity bill. Most people sleep better in a colder room. Even if you aren’t a business development professional, try out a few of the suggestions on your next trip and let us know how it goes. Don’t let traveling create rage against your wellness goals, after all we are all health warriors on the same fight.
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Some of you may be thinking, “I’m fit and fly all the time!?” Today we’re talking about how to stay healthy and fit while flying in an airplane. Flying in pressurized cabins with a hundred strangers can put a lot of stress on our bodies. If you’re changing time zones or flying out of the country, that shocks our bodies even more. Globetrotter Wellness Solutions’ very own Steven Trotter is a frequent flyer as he does a lot of traveling for work. Follow these tips to stay fly, even when you’re high in the sky. 1. Hydrate. Drink water before and during your flight! The combination of less oxygen and thin air inside airplanes makes you prone to dehydration. But don’t forget that you will be asked to throw away water bottles before you can get through security - so see #2. 2. Bring an empty water bottle with you through the security lines. This way you have a no excuses! Fill up at a fountain once you pass through the lines. 3. Eat a healthy meal before your flight. You never know what may happen (flight delay, long layover, no complimentary snack- you know what airline I’m talking about). The hopes of a peanut snack is always welcomed, but not always promised. 4. Bring disinfecting wipes. The place where you are most susceptible to germs while flying are on the tray table, arm rests, and bathroom. You don’t know who was sitting there before you were. Wipe it down or it might wipe you out next week! 5. Exercise your mind. Flying can be a great time to catch up on sleep, listen to a podcast, or read a book. If you’re serious about listening to music or an audio book, I recommend wearing something that can block out the loud noises of the huge plane engines. Make sure to charge those Kindles beforehand. 6. Physical exercise. If you couldn't get a workout in before your travels, take your flight time to do some simple exercises such as calf raises, ankle rolls, plantar flexion. Stretch out before you cramp out. If you do have time before your flight and you don’t have too much luggage, take a walk around your area. Airports have more and more scenery depending on the size. The CVG airport has fully constructed skeletons of dinosaurs and some other Ice Age animals donated by the Cincinnati Museum. Explore your surroundings and get that step count up! 7. Sitting too long. We’re all guilty of slouching one way or another. It’s even more common when we’re sitting in one place for a long period of time. Try to focus on your posture and sit straight against the back of your chair, keeping your back straight and chest upright. One step today goes a long ways to improvement tomorrow! Safe travels every one! By: Alicia Everette A millennial wellness enthusiast trying to figure out life. Coupon Queen. Experimental Chef. Personal Trainer. Aspiring Health Coach. A guide to help you stay healthy while you werk (or work), whichever you prefer. 24 hours in a day. 9 hour work days. 2 hours for commute and meals. 7-9 hours of sleep. That leaves us with roughly 4 hours of free time. How on earth are people who work full time supposed to balance it all and be healthy? Don’t get me started if you have kids. You know what I’m talking about. Since we’re already spending a majority of our time working, we might as well make the most of it! Today’s blog will walk you through some tips to help you be healthy while working. 1. Actively commute. Ride a bike or walk if you live close enough to your workplace. If not, try parking farther away. All those extra steps add up. 2. Take the stairs. If you work in a large office, take the stairs instead of riding the elevator. 3. Drink more water. Not only is water the best beverage you can give your body, it will make you take more trips to the bathroom which equals more time being active. Staying properly hydrated has been known to curb hunger as well so keep that water bottle full and close! 4. Use the bathroom on a different floor. You never know what’s changed in a place that you don’t see every day. This will help you get out of your environment too! 5. Talk to a colleague in person. Instead of sending an email or calling, visit someone's desk to ask for that report. They'll appreciate the face to face time as well. 6. Take a stand. Stand up while you’re at talking on the phone or invest in a standing desk. If you use a laptop, try putting it on top of a crate. I did this in graduate school and it was worth it. #Healthyonthecheap 7. Set a timer. Set a timer on your computer or phone for every 30 minutes to remind you to get up or to stretch. Here are some examples of stretches you can do for at your desk. 8. Pack your lunch. Not only will this save you money it’ll give you more time to do the next tip. Packing your lunch the night before so you don’t have to worry about it in the morning is a HUGE load off your shoulders. Never worry about rushing in the morning again. 9. Take a walk after lunch. Who really takes 30 minutes to eat their food anyway? Mine is gone in about 5 or 10 minutes. If it’s a nice day, walk outside and enjoy some fresh air. 10. If your workplace has one, join their workplace wellness program. Mine has Weight Watchers! 11. Last but not least, potlucks. How does one stay on track with their goals when there’s potlucks and birthday celebrations galore?! Simple, be the person who bring the veggie or fruit tray. Lead by example! I challenge you to see how you can incorporate at least 2 of these tips this week. Happy werking! By: Alicia Everette A millennial wellness enthusiast trying to figure out life. Coupon Queen. Experimental Chef. Personal Trainer. Aspiring Health Coach. It's one month into the new year! How are your resolutions coming along? If you are human, which I hope you are if you are reading this, the honest truth is that you have probably had some setbacks. Life happens, and I am here to reassure you, that is okay. Obstacles are actually opportunities in disguise. Our perspective on situations or the angle which we choose to view them, can paint drastically different pictures. If given the chance, everyone could name obstacles in their life, but it is how we overcome them that puts together our story. Today’s blog will provide you strategies to view obstacles as opportunities and how to stay on track with your goals. 1. Ask yourself, is my goal SMART? Naturally, your answer may be yes since you thought of it. However, SMART is an acronym. Specific- Is your goal vague? Make sure it is detailed. Example: I want to save $50 per week for 20 weeks to pay off debt by June 1, 2018. Measurable- How will you measure progress? Example: You should be able to track your progress by counting your money sum weekly. Attainable- Is this goal actually achievable? If not, you are already setting yourself up for failure. Example: Base the amount that you save weekly on your current spending habits. If you are living paycheck to paycheck you may need to scale back your goal. Realistic- With my available resources, can I achieve this goal? Example: Will you be sacrificing your lifestyle or others around you to achieve this goal? Time-Based- Am I giving myself enough time to achieve my goal? Example: Have you calculated if $50 for 20 weeks will pay off all your debt? If it doesn’t, then adjust your goal. 2. Write down your goals. On physical paper, this makes them more concrete and tangible. 3. Keep yourself accountable. Tell your friends, family, or coworkers about your goal; they can help keep you on track. Post it on social media. What else is Instagram for? 4. Reward yourself for the small victories. Break down your goal into smaller ones and celebrate the wins. Worked out 3 times per week for a month? Treat yourself to a manicure. 5. Ask yourself, are you ready for it? Taylor Swift says it best. Is this the right time in your life to take on this goal? Are your surroundings conducive to your goal? Do you have the tools and resources to succeed? Last, but not least: 6. Remember the bigger picture. If you are beating yourself up because of one slip up, remember the grand scheme of life. A year from now, are you going to remember that one day where you ate a piece a chocolate or are you going to remember how hard you worked to achieve your goal? Failing is a part of success and it is what we learn from our failures that gives us the knowledge to succeed. Think, if you fell and broke your leg…you wouldn’t get up and walk on it, right? That is how you have to think about your goals. Falling once will not do you in, but continuously falling back into a cycle does. In the end, an obstacle is just a hurdle on your road to success, and all you have to do is jump to stay on track. And if you fall? Get back up one more time than you fall down and you win the race. By: Alicia Everette A millennial wellness enthusiast trying to figure out life. Coupon Queen. Experimental Chef. Personal Trainer. Aspiring Health Coach. |
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March 2020