Back to school season is upon us. Whether you’re just starting school, returning for another semester, or are an old alumni reminiscing about the old days (me); you can sense when another chapter of life is about to begin. This “feeling” got me thinking... what advice would I give to myself starting college if I could do it all again? Dear younger me: 1. Get out of your comfort zone There are over 20,000 people at this university. Get out and meet people. Stop being shy and stop catering to other people. Yet, I pretty much kept to my hallmates my first year. Fast forward, met my now husband my junior year because I joined an organization. 2. Do NOT study in your dorm room For peeps sake, the library is next to your dorm and it’s the PERFECT place to study. Seriously, anywhere can be a study spot - the cafe table, the atrium lounge, or outside! I wouldn’t find this out until the 2nd semester, as I was almost failing out of college and trying to figure out what went wrong. 3. It is okay to change your major Freshman year is about finding out what you enjoy and what you aren’t good at. Biology, Microbio, genetics, and chemistry aren’t your thing. From engineering, to psychology, to human nutrition, foods, and exercise…you’ll be okay. I really wish students had more guidance and counseling in this because choosing your career right after high school is too much pressure. 4. Utilize the things you’re already paying for: career services, counseling, gym GIRLLLL, things in the real world are EXPENSIVE! Start using career services, mental health counseling, and the gym sooner. I didn’t use these until my junior year and man, how life would be different! 5. Sprinkle the fun classes into your schedule, don’t save them for senior year School is not a sprint, it’s a marathon; so enjoy every step of the process. I saved the educational prep classes of “Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Training” for my senior year because I thought they would be “fun” classes. And I really wish I didn’t do that because this, THIS right here, helped me discover my passion and now career. In the end, you have to accept that things happened how and when they did to get you to this very point in your life...but being the person that you needed when you were a shy freshman today, makes a big difference for someone else tomorrow. What advice would you give your younger self? Let us know in the comments.
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About two weeks ago, leaders in campus recreation gathered at the beautiful Embassy Suites in Wilmington, North Carolina. Knowledge bombs were dropped, laughs were had, complimentary breakfast was devoured, and most of all, connections were made. At first, the summit was once a “what if”, an “oh that would be so cool to do”, and a “maybe one day” idea. This is the recap of the day Globetrotter Wellness Solutions drew its line in the sand. Eastern Carolina University, Wake Forest University, UNC Charlotte, Radford University, Virginia Tech, University of Illinois, UNC Asheville, and Matrix were in attendance. This day and a half event was packed with lifelong lessons, networking, and fun of course. Day 1 started off with insight on organizational culture, presented by Steven Trotter, Principal of Globetrotter Wellness Solutions. Liz Greenlee, Assistant Director of Fitness and Wellness at Radford University, presenting on Generation Z. Later on, we discussed developing world class programs and facilities. After a long first day, we celebrated with an incredible view on the rooftop bar and of course, had to hydrate and refuel. Kia Williams, Assistant Director of Fitness Programs at the University of Illinois and Master Trainer for Barre Above, enlightened us on Customer Service vs. Customer Satisfaction. Will Trent, Marketing Manager for Virginia Tech Recreational Sports, presented on strategic marketing. We ended the day on goal setting, self evaluation, and professional development. Then off to the beach the Globetrotter Wellness Solutions team went! Thank you to all attendees, as well as our co-sponsor Fitness Asset Manager for making this event possible. We hope the connections you made in Wilmington extend beyond boundaries and act as career resources. The ultimate end result of this event was for you to be able to bring back your new found knowledge and put it into practice right away despite your setting or situation. Globetrotter Wellness Solutions strives to bring you local solutions that make a global impact. Our goal is to help you achieve yours. Interested in bringing an event like this near you or us facilitating a workshop? Drop us a note and let us know where we should globe trot to next at [email protected]. Flashback to the early 2000’s, I was a pre-teen at home on summer break carelessly flipping through TV channels trying to find something to watch. I stumbled upon TLC’s What Not To Wear with Stacy London and Clinton Kelly, and was immediately hooked! I related to the real-life fashion offenders on TV because I too, had loose baggy clothing, frumpy hair, and didn’t know how to color-coordinate with my shoes. Being an overweight child and spending a lot of time with my brother, you could say I was a tomboy. I remember wearing gym sneakers with EVERY outfit even in high school, I loved comfort over style. I recently had an interview at a local gym for a coaching position and asked Steven, what do I wear?! That experience is the inspiration for today’s blog. If you’re a personal trainer or group fitness instructor, I’m sure the same thought has crossed your mind. The short answer is, well it depends… Usually in the fitness industry, interviews have two parts: The Interview: This is the traditional sit down with the hiring manager and questions are asked. I say when in doubt go with business casual. For men, slacks or khakis with at least a polo or collared shirt. For women, a nice blouse with pants or a dress. If you are interviewing for management, dress business professional. The Practical: Being in the fitness industry our job to help people move so it’s only natural to make you demonstrate your skills in when hiring. With personal training, this might be a mock client situation or you may be given a scenario. With group fitness, it may be a short 5-15 minute demo class or small group training. As managers, we know within the first 10 minutes if we intend to hire you or not. Regardless, wear clothing that looks the part. Make sure you’re not rocking that busted old free t-shirt you got in college that may or may not have an armpit hole. Try for workout shorts, capris, or leggings, and a top that isn’t too revealing (save that crop top for a rainy day). Bonus points if your outfit can match a little to show you gave some thought into your demo. I would bring this change of clothes whether or not you know if they’d like you to be active during your interview process. Be prepared! Thanks for tuning in to the What Not To Fear: Fitness Edition (Shirt and Shoes probably required) Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All rights to What Not To Wear belong to TLC Keepin' It 100 with Willy T. Coming to you LIVE from the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Sweet Home Alabama! Over the next couple weeks, I have a really awesome opportunity to attend three conferences in multiple cities that I’ve yet to visit. I’ll do my best to keep you posted on my social media, and I’ll find a way to make my updates entertaining :) This week: I attended the NIRSA Region II Conference in Birmingham. Here are some highlights (photos below for some more context) -
Steph Goetz (far right) and I completed grad school together at JMU. When we were students, we’d get taken to lunch at conferences by professionals, and we promised each other that we would return the favor when we “made it.” This has now become an annual tradition, and Dylan/JP are two incredible NIRSA students. Eugene’s Hot Chicken was the perfect setting with some great eats! Upcoming Travel:
This much travel is a good bit out of my comfort zone, so say a prayer and send me any travel tips you may have! Peace, Love, and Conferencing, Group Fitness Instructors are incredible. We get up in front of a room of strangers and take them on a transformational journey. Within seconds, we build trust with a group and never look back. We instruct, coach, push, and motivate. We plan, choreograph, and practice our classes way more hours than we actually teach. Some of us work across many gyms just to make ends meet; but the thing that keeps us going is that we have the ability to impact so many people in a short amount of time. Participants may come to class wishing they were somewhere else, yet when they leave- they feel they can conquer anything that comes their way. No one says it as well as Steven Trotter, “Group Fitness Instructors take people to a place they can’t get to on their own.” Today we’ll share five tips to help take your group fitness game from good to great so you can keep on taking people to new heights. 1. Be a music mogul. Music is such a powerful tool in group exercise classes- it can motivate us to push harder, bring back special memories, or make us dance. Planning music is often the element that takes the most time when planning class because the music sets the tone for the workout, it creates the an atmosphere. You are the DJ and your participants are the concert goers. To stay on top of your music game always be listening for new music, you never know what could be your next favorite burpee track. 2. Become cue master. (We aren’t talking about pool). People are usually a combination of three different learning styles: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. To make the most of your cueing be sure you are using a combination and variety of cueing to connect with everyone in your class. Have a rockstar participant? Next time you teach ask them to take note of what style you use the most and make it a challenge for yourself to up the other forms so you have a balanced variety. More information can be found here. 3. Never stop being a student. Continue taking other instructors’ classes, you will always learn something new whether it be new music, a new combo or sequence, or cueing styles. Branching out of your comfort zone will continue to challenge your body. It’s always a bonus if your regulars see you in another class that they take- you become more relatable and it shows that you are just like them. 4. Create a community in and outside the classroom. Your impact does not have to the end in the classroom, take it online. Social media, that is. For example, create an online Facebook group for your attendees. This will create a sense of community among participants and a platform where you can let people know if there will be sub or ask for feedback or song requests. Let me tell you, people love song requests and hearing their favorite in class. This is also a great way if you want to try something new in class, you can get feedback via a Facebook poll. There are so many benefits from an online group, the possibilities are endless! Real life example: a fantastic resource for ACE Group Fitness Instructors is the online Facebook Group: Ask questions, listen to webinars, or just see what others are doing for their classes. 5. Seek continuing education opportunities. Usually to keep a group fitness instructor certification, continuing education credits must be earned every two years. Although some may think that is a pain, there is benefit! This helps you stay on top of your game, keep up with current industry trends, and expose you to new things. Even if you’re taught for 30 years, there is always more to learn. So attend a refresher workout, master class, or try for another certification. For example, I am taking the ACE Health Coach Certification Exam in December (wish me luck!). Regardless of what formats you teach, how long you’ve been teaching, what workout gear you have, or what you look like, know that your work day in and day out makes a difference in the lives of so many. Without group fitness instructors the world wouldn’t be as happy or healthy. Thanks to all the group fitness instructors out there! We are all one family. Much love, |
Who we areJust a team of round pegs in a square hole changing the world one interaction at a time. Look back at it
March 2020